Unani Medicine

Unani or the science of health and healing is a system of medicine that has blended with India’s tradition and has made it one of the leading countries practicing this form of medicine. The Unani System of medicine originated in Greece around 2500 years ago, and its foundation was laid by the Hippocrates. A tradition of Graeco-Arabic medicine, Unani medicine has a herbo-animo-mineral foundation. In addition to being an original science of medicine, the Unani is also a rich storehouse of philosophies and principles of medicine that holds value to the field of medicine and science in general.

The Arabs are the ones who rendered the Greek Literature of the medicine into their own enhanced system of medicine through their contributions. For the same, they incorporated the concepts of Pathology, Therapeutics, Physics, Chemistry, Anatomy, Physiology, Botany, and Surgery. The Unani system of medicine was enriched by Middle East countries and Asian countries owing to the contemporary form of the traditional system.  It was the Arabs who introduced the Unani system to India which acquired strong roots within no time. The Delhi Sultans provided patronage Unani Scholars hired some of them as court physicians and state employees.

My forefathers one of the pioneers who brought into India this system of Unani Medicine from the middle eastern glorious city then, Baghdad, two and half centuries back. I am a physician from their 6th generation of progeny who is practicing Unani and Islamic medicine in India.

Principles Concepts and Definition

Unani is a comprehensive medical system that deals with the treatment of various states of health and ailments. It focuses on promotive, curative, preventive, and rehabilitative healthcare. The diagnosis and treatment of this system of medicine are based on various holistic concepts and scientific principles of health and healing. It takes into account the relationship between an individual and his environment, emphasizing on the health of the mind, body, and soul. In the Unani system of medicine, Temperament, or Mijaz of an individual plays an important role. The temperament is taken into consideration while curating the most suitable diet and lifestyle for the individual in question. In the Unani system of medicine, some important parts of treatment are Nutraceutics, Aromatics, Cosmoceutics, and corresponding therapies.

As per Avicenna, one of the greatest scholars of the Unani Tabb (medicine); Tabb is the science that teaches us about the various states of the human body, when in health and not in health. Also, it tells us the means by which health is prone to be lost and the means to restore the same. The four-humour theory of Hippocrates acts as the base for the Unani system of medicine. It presumes the presence of four humours in the human body that are: phlegm, blood, black bile, and yellow bile. The human body comprises seven core components which are as follows: 



There are four elements that make up the human body: Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. For each element/arkan, there is a different temperament. Air has a hot and moist temperament and the earth has a cold and dry temperament. The temperament of fire is hot and dry, and that of water is cold and moist.



In the Unani system of medicine, the temperament of an individual plays an important role as each individual’s temperament is unique. In the diagnosis and treatment of the Unani system, temperament acts as the base.  The classification and evaluation of various temperaments are based on the amalgamation of four humours in the blood in different quantities, which is why blood plays a crucial role in the foundation of Mijaz. Thus, Mijaz in Unani helps characterize a person’s physical, mental, and social state and also identifies the nature of a disease.



Humours are the fluids in the human body that produce energy, and trigger growth, nutrition, and repair. The humours also perform the function of maintaining moisture in different organs of the human body. There are four stages of digestion that allow for the passage of food. These are:

  • Gastric Digestion: Food is converted into chyme and chyle, and is carried to the liver through the mesenteric veins. 
  • Hepatic Digestion: The chyle is turned into four humours in different proportions. The proportion of blood is the largest. The blood that leaves the liver blends into the other three humours. 
  • Vessels 
  • Tissue Digestion: With the humours flowing into the blood vessels, the retentive power and attractive power come into action. While the former accounts for the absorption of nutrition by the tissues, the latter is responsible for the retention of the nutrition. 

In the Unani system of medicine, a lot of importance is given to the diet and state of digestion of an individual for both health and disease. When the patients are treated based on their temperaments, the physicians recommend specific dietary regimens. While the proper diets are supposed to produce good humours or Akhla Sahila, the improper diets are expected to produce Akhla Radiyya, or bad humour. Any imbalance in the equilibrium of humour causes disease, which can be treated with medication and consuming a balanced diet.



Azaa are the various organs that account for the effective functioning of the human body. The health of each organ affects the overall health of the body, and any disease in the organs creates an imbalance in the health equilibrium.



Ruh or spirit is a gaseous matter that assists in all the metabolic activities of the human body. Obtained from the inspired air, it acts as the source of energy for the effective functioning of all the organs of the body. The Ruh burns the Akhlat Latifa and produces power (quwa).



There are three types of Quwa: 

  • Quwa Tabiyah (Natural Power)

This is the power of metabolism and reproduction. The process is carried out on every tissue of the body, with the liver being the seat of this power. Metabolism is associated with the process of nutrition and growth. While nutrition comes from the food, growth power is concerned with the growth of the human body. 

  • Quwa Nafsaniyah (Psychic power)

Quwa Nafsaniyah is psychic and nervous power that is located inside the brain and is responsible for generating motive and perceptive power. While perceptive power expresses sensation or impressions, motive power enables movements in response to those sensations.

  • Quwa Haywaniyah (Vital power)

The vital power is located in the heart and keeps the tissues functioning. It allows for all organs to accept the outcome of psychic power. 



Afaal is the movement and proper functioning of all the organs of the human body. When the body is healthy, it means that all organs are in proper shape and are functioning efficiently. 



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